Tag: Divorce in Michigan

  • Strategic Advance Planning For a Michigan Divorce

    Advance planning for your divorce in Michigan can save you many thousands of dollars. Nobody likes to plan strategy for their divorce, but doing so can save you money, time and emotional distress once your divorce case is filed. Here is our list of ten important things to do if you are thinking about a…

  • Michigan Divorce FAQs (Part 1)

    People who are considering divorce, or who have already discussed parting ways with their spouses, usually have a lot of questions.  After all, divorce is not something that most people do with any regularity, and laws can change over time, making it hard to keep up with what is current. With that in mind, we…

  • Domestic Abuse – What You Need To Know About False Allegations.

    Domestic abuse is a very real, and very frightening form of violence. It is sometimes called domestic assault or spousal abuse, and occurs between relationship partners. But we cannot justifiably discuss this topic without also addressing the issue of false allegations.   The only difference between a simple assault charge or an assault and battery…

  • Crowdfunding Your Divorce: Is That Even Possible?

    Need to raise money for your daughter’s surgery? GoFundMe is perfect. Want to help your nephew’s latest garage band? PledgeMusic is where you go. Looking to get support for a new business venture? Kickstarter is your best bet. But what if you’re getting divorced and don’t have the money to pay your attorney’s fees? Don’t…

  • Divorce in Michigan: When “Fault” Matters in a “No Fault” State

    Michigan is a no-fault divorce state, which means that in order to file for divorce you are not required to prove that anyone is at “fault” for the breakdown of your marriage. In other words, there doesn’t have to be proof of abuse, infidelity, or any other harmful behavior for the court to grant your…