Category: For Your Information

  • Divorce and Bankruptcy: Navigating the Intersection

    Timing Matters: Filing Before, During, or After Divorce When assisting clients with divorce cases, we prioritize property settlement discussions right after issues concerning minor children need to be resolved. Among critical considerations is the timing of bankruptcy filings. Should it occur before, during, or after the divorce process? Our collaborative approach involves consulting with bankruptcy…

  • If I Earn More Than My Spouse, Do We Still Split Everything Equally in a Michigan Divorce?

    If I Earn More Than My Spouse, Do We Still Split Everything Equally in a Michigan Divorce?

    The Importance of Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements in Michigan Divorce Cases It is a common misunderstanding that if one spouse earns more, they should receive a larger share of the marital assets. This belief was more common in past decades, especially when men were predominantly the breadwinners of the household. However, as times have changed,…

  • Divorcing Someone With Paranoid Personality Disorder: What You Need to Know

    We’ve talked a lot in recent years here on The Kronzek Firm’s family law blog, about narcissism. But the truth is, that’s not the only personality disorder that can complicate a divorce and add serious conflict to the process of a divorce or custody case here in Michigan. There are numerous others that can make…

  • Can You Develop PTSD From Getting Divorced?Some Experts Say Yes You Can!

    When most people think of PTSD sufferers, they think of soldiers returning from a war zone, rape victims, and other assault survivors. Perhaps even victims of highly traumatic encounters, like school shootings or terrorist attacks. While all of those examples are entirely valid, the truth is that you don’t have to survive something on par…

  • What You Need to Know About Coercive Control (Pt 1)

    Getting divorced is tough. That’s certainly the case for anyone leaving a life partner, especially if they’ve been together a long time, or there are children involved. But disentangling your life from a controlling and emotionally abusive partner is a whole different kettle of fish. If you’re getting divorced, and your spouse has used coercive…

  • My Ex Says We Shouldn’t Vaccinate Our Kids Against Covid, But I Disagree!

    If you ever want to see a party go from a group of happy people chatting amongst themselves, to a WWF fight in five minutes, ask someone loudly about their thoughts on vaccinations. The decision to vaccinate (or not vaccinate) your children is a very controversial topic here in Michigan. From St John’s and Portland,…

  • What a Great Divorce Lawyer Really Looks Like (Pt 2)

    Hi there and welcome back to this discussion about what a great divorce attorney really looks like, versus just a ‘good’ lawyer. Because as we pointed out in the first article, good is certainly better than ‘meh’ (and you absolutely don’t ever want a ‘meh’ attorney handling your divorce!). But there’s a big difference between…

  • Does Domestic Violence Really Get Worse During The Holidays?

    Domestic violence is a problem all year round. Unfortunately, there is no season where it doesn’t happen. But there are definitely seasons where it seems to get worse, and many say that’s the case during the holidays. The Christmas season in particular is said to be a time of increased domestic assault cases, both in…

  • My Ex And I Both Want The Dog After The Divorce! Who Gets to Keep Him?

    People love their fur babies! So while it can be frustrating to figure out who gets to keep the living room furniture, or the retirement account, deciding who gets the dog can result in some pretty savage arguments when both people want the dog. So what do you do? How do you decide which one…

  • How The Court Defines “Domestic Violence” Could Impact Your Michigan Custody Case in the Future!

    A recent Michigan Court of Appeals ruling on a custody case out of Monroe County has potential implications for other custody battles in future, where the issue of domestic violence comes up. Specifically, how the court defines ‘domestic violence’, and how that interpretation could affect the way you discipline your children or interact with their…