Procedural information for Divorce and Child Custody Cases
Family Law is one of those areas that can be extremely emotional for all parties involved. Whether your case is regarding Divorce, Custody, Grandparenting Rights, Child Abuse, Neglect, or even an International Custody dispute, knowing where to go for legal resources, help and information while your case is proceeding is very important. It can help lessen the stress of the situation. Below are a series of links that we believe will help you better understand what is going on in your case. We hope you find them helpful.
Ingham County Resources
Ingham County Information
Looking for something particular regarding Ingham County? This page contains all the tools you need in order to find the specific form you require, Court related details, and other relevant information.
Eaton County Resources
Eaton County Circuit Court Clerk
This webpage is the central location for information dealing with Divorce, Personal Protection Orders, and other family law related issues. This is a general information site, and limits its content to the costs and procedures associated with different court related actions, some of which you may want to familarize your self with so you can better understand the processes we will go through during your case.
Shiawassee County Resources
Shiawassee County Department Functions
Trying to accomplish something in Shiawassee County, but you are unsure where to look? This is the correct page for guidance on how to go about filing for Divorce, receiving copies of your Marriage License, and Name Change information that may be mandatory for us to help you in your legal situation.
Clinton County Resources
Clinton County Department Guide
This section of the Clinton County website will give you information on all areas of family law proceedings. You may find it helpful in understanding what we might require in order to assist you with your family law matter.
Legal Support
Kim Hart – Trial Consultant
Informational Websites
Courts of Michigan
Michigan Legislature: Statute Search
American Bar Association Family Law Section
American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers
Law Crawler Legal Research
Additional Resources for Parents and Divorcing Persons
We know that this is a stressful time in yoru life and will work to the best of our ability to get a favorable outcome for you and your family. However, we realize that you may need comfort from outside sources. Below is a list of support groups, seminars, and other resources available to assist you in moving forward with your life.
Divorce Coaching– can help you set goals, and get through this stressful time
Single Parent Resource Center – They seek to establish a network of local single parent groups so that such groups will have a collective political voice.” Provides information and support on issues important to single parents.
National Women’s Law Center – They work to guarantee equality for women under the law and to seek protection and advancement of their legal rights and issues at all levels. Areas of interest include child support enforcement, dependent care, and the family
National Fatherhood Initiative – NFI is dedicated to improving the well-being of children through the promotion of responsible fatherhood in society. “Working with local media, community, church, and school,” says David Blankenhorn, President, “we present to society the idea that fathers are a very important part of a child’s life.”
The Fathers’ Rights and Equality Exchange – Parenting is a 50/50 proposition. Fathers and mothers should share equally in the parenting and support of their children within and outside the institution of marriage. This is an international group with members in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, Australia, and Japan.
Older Women’s League – This groups provides support and information on issues important to midlife and older women, including the effects of divorce on older women.
International Association for Marriage and Family Counselors – IAMFC can provide referrals to members working in the areas of marriage counseling, marital therapy, divorce counseling, mediation, and family counseling and therapy.
Association for Children for Enforcement of Support (ACES) A self-help, nonprofit child-support organization. Teaches custodial parents what they need to do to collect child support. Has 350 chapters all across the United States. Call, write, or fax for information on how to contact a chapter in your area.
National Association of Counsel for Children – In today’s world millions of children are the subjects of judicial proceedings each year. They are involved in the court system as victims of abuse and neglect, as juvenile offenders, as subjects of custody, visitation and adoption proceedings, and as participants in civil damages litigation.
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children – Searching the globe for Missing and Exploited children.
National Foundation for Consumer Credit
“A nonprofit membership organization whose purpose is to educate, counsel, and promote the wise use of credit. NFCC serves as an umbrella group for 200 member services with more than 1,100 counseling offices throughout the United States, Puerto Rico, and Canada.” NFCC offers “free or low cost professional money management counseling and educational services to consumers nationwide.”
Spendful – A tool that lets you create budgets easily. It tracks spending, and lets you see how much money you will have months from now.
Mid Michigan Family Law Links!
At The Kronzek Firm, we realize that you may have other legal issues that may require our assistance. Our established team of knowledgeable and experienced attorneys can guide you safely through the Michigan court system. Our Attorneys have years of experience winning in the court room. The following websites will give you an idea of the scope of our representation, results, and reputation.
Michigan Child Protective Services Defense Attorneys
Our Child Protective Services team has years of experience dealing with Children’s Protective Services (CPS) and Child Abuse & Neglect cases. If your case includes allegations of Munchausen’s Syndrome, Shaken Baby Syndrome, or Brittle Bone Disease in children, they have the knowledge and skill to protect your rights. They realize the sensitivity of these proceedings and will work closely with you in order to overcome the false allegations made against you!
Michigan Divorce, Custody, and Child Support Attorneys
We have been fighting for our client’s rights in criminal matters for decades. Our proven results speak for themselves. Don’t let your rights be ignored, let us help you stand up for them!
Michigan Sex Crime Attorneys
We are aggressive Michigan lawyers dedicated to the defense of people charged with sex crimes. Our staff, including five lawyers, a private investigator and a staff of paralegals, stands ready to assist you anywhere in Michigan. Our legal research team is top notch, and we constantly expand our nationwide team of expert witnesses. Our team of skilled professionals has a proven track record of successful results in Michigan courts.
Michigan Drunk Driving Defense Attorneys
Our team of OUI/DUI attorneys is led by John M. English, one of the most knowledgable and experienced OUI/DUI attorneys in the Lansing area and the state of Michigan. We are tough and tenacious fighters for the rights of those charged with any type of drinking and driving related offenses. Society may frown upon you, but we do not. We fight for your rights.
DWI, OUI, DUI, and Drunk Driving Advocates
This site is the where you can receive the most up to date information regarding Michigan’s drunk driving laws, case outcomes, and other general information important for defending your rights if you are ever stopped or questioned for suspicion of drunk driving.
Out of State Practices
Do you live in Michigan but are filing for divorce in another state? We have attorney law links here to assist you!
Orlando Divorce and Family Law Attorney – The chartered law offices of The Troum Law Firm, P.A., family law lawyers in Orlando, Florida.
Annapolis Lawyer | Maryland Criminal Injury Divorce and Accident Attorney
Christopher L. Beard, an Annapolis, M.D. based attorney with over 30 years of experience.
Minnesota Divorce Attorney – Minnesota divorce lawyer serving the Twin Cities of Minneapolis & St. Paul.
New York
New York Divorce Lawyer – Description: Experienced divorce and family law attorney in New York.
Las Vegas Family Lawyer – The Las Vegas law firm of Ciciliano & Associates, LLC will worry about the law so you don’t have to. We will guide you through these difficult times and help make sure that your legal rights are protected.
Houston Divorce Lawyer – Marylin Gale Vilyus & Associates practice in the areas of divorce, child support, child custody, and personal injury.