Tag: Divorce in Michigan

  • Navigating Family Dispute Resolution in Michigan: Your Comprehensive Guide

    Introduction Family disputes can be emotionally draining, impacting not only the individuals involved but also their children and extended family members. As divorce lawyers practicing in Mid Michigan, our team has witnessed firsthand the complexities of family law cases of almost every kind during the past several decades. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore Michigan-specific…

  • Divorce and Bankruptcy: Navigating the Intersection

    Timing Matters: Filing Before, During, or After Divorce When assisting clients with divorce cases, we prioritize property settlement discussions right after issues concerning minor children need to be resolved. Among critical considerations is the timing of bankruptcy filings. Should it occur before, during, or after the divorce process? Our collaborative approach involves consulting with bankruptcy…

  • If I Earn More Than My Spouse, Do We Still Split Everything Equally in a Michigan Divorce?

    If I Earn More Than My Spouse, Do We Still Split Everything Equally in a Michigan Divorce?

    The Importance of Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements in Michigan Divorce Cases It is a common misunderstanding that if one spouse earns more, they should receive a larger share of the marital assets. This belief was more common in past decades, especially when men were predominantly the breadwinners of the household. However, as times have changed,…

  • Alcohol Addiction in Divorce: A Guide for Michigan Residents

    Divorcing an alcoholic spouse is usually a challenging journey, filled with emotional ups and downs. While the process can be draining and overwhelming, it’s vital to ensure your safety and the well-being of your children. In this article, The Kronzek Firm will outline the suggested steps and evidence required to prove alcoholism in Lansing area…

  • Hidden Assets In Divorce Pt. 1: How Could Your Spouse Be Hiding Assets In A Divorce?

    Even in the most cooperative of divorces, your spouse could be hiding their assets. This is often done to lower the amount of money awarded to the former spouse or even to lower the amount of child support owed.  In Michigan, divorce requires equitable division of assets, but this doesn’t mean equal. It is illegal…

  • Does Divorce Litigation Mean a Trial?

    Many people are seeking a divorce in Mid-Michigan but are concerned about the time and money involved. Their question is whether their divorce case has to end with a trial in court?  The quick answer is no. There is certainly not a one-size-fits-all formula for a divorce, but there are many circumstances that lead to…

  • Tips For Starting Life Over After The Decision to Get a Divorce (Pt 2)

    Hi there and welcome back to this blog about starting life over after deciding to get divorced, and what that might look like for you. As we pointed out in the previous article, the very first thing you should do is talk to your attorney. Packing your bags and rushing out the door because you’ve…

  • Tips For Starting Life Over After The Decision to Get a Divorce (Pt 1)

    Getting divorced is tough. Emotionally, legally, financially, and on just about every other front as well. But as if that isn’t enough, now you’ve got to move out and start life over. And it’s not just the packing and relocating that’s time consuming and frustrating. You have to figure out what you can take and…

  • Does my Spouse Get to Keep Part of my Inheritance if We Get Divorced in Michigan?

    For a married person that loves their spouse, sharing the windfall of an inheritance seems like a really good idea. After all, if you’re in this together for the long haul, it only makes sense to share the wealth. But for a divorcing couple, nothing could be more frustrating than knowing you came into a…

  • You Don’t Have to be Named on The Title to Own a Piece of Your Spouse’s Property!

    Many divorcing couples in Michigan don’t understand how assets are divided in the event of a divorce. And who can blame them? It can be a bit complicated, and because we see so much conflicting information in movies and TV shows (many of which are based on laws in other states, or simply on the…