Category: Uncategorized

  • Happy Holidays from The Kronzek Firm!

    Whether it’s Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or some other holiday you’re celebrating – whatever you’re happy or merry about, we’re happy and merry with you! Remember, if you or a loved one need help over the holidays, we’re here, 24/7, ready and available to assist you whenever you need it. Wishing you happy holidays, and a joyful,…

  • How Divorce Can Actually Be Healthy For You!

    I have a friend who was recently divorced. Having known her for years, and knowing the history of her marriage, I couldn’t be happier for her that she is finally free. But here is the catch – so is she! The stigma of the sad, lonely divorcee, facing the struggles of parenting alone amidst an…

  • Celebrating Father’s Day With Your Ex: Pointers For Next Year!

    Holidays like Mother’s and Father’s Day usually brings on a rash of calls from new clients, upset about their custody arrangements and how that affected their holidays with their children. It makes perfect sense, when you think about it. Nothing would seem worse in the moment, than for a father to not spend Father’s Day…