Tag: Prenuptial Agreements
What Should You Address in Your Prenup? (Pt 2)
Welcome back and thanks for joining us again for a quick overview on what you should expect to cover in your prenup. You’ve probably heard of celebrities whose prenups cover all sorts of crazy things, from weight gain to infidelity. But in real life there are some things you can put in your prenup, and…
What Should You Address in Your Michigan Prenup? (Pt 1)
If you follow our blog then you know that we recently discussed prenuptial agreements, and what they can’t cover. Things like deciding child custody before you even have children, making ridiculous provisions, and signing the documents the night before the wedding are all likely to make your prenup about as useful as a lead balloon…
Do I Get to Keep my Stuff When I Get Divorced? (Pt 1)
For many people who plan to get divorced in the near future, one of the biggest issues they have to deal with is dividing up their stuff. For a few couples (especially those who haven’t been together long and don’t own much, the process is relatively straightforward.) But the longer you’ve been married, and…
Does a Prenuptial Agreement Hurt Your Marriage, or Help it? (Pt 2)
Welcome back! We’ve been talking about whether or not prenuptial agreements are harmful to marriage relationships, or are helpful. In truth, there are a lot of opinions floating around out there, and many people have some well thought out ideas on both sides of the argument. So we’d like to share a few thoughts…
Does a Prenuptial Agreement Hurt Your Marriage, or Help it? (Pt 1)
When a couple is getting ready to get married, the only thought they tend to give to their furniture is what it’s going to look like when they commingle their homes. Or perhaps, who will give them that particular famed picture or standing lamp they registered for. They’re not thinking about who gets to…
Pre-Marital Mediation – What You Need To Know
For most couples who are planning their weddings, there are lots of things to get excited about. Sampling cake flavors, selecting the location, and getting friends involved are usually aspects that most brides and grooms-to-be look forward to. Figuring out how to address the issue of a prenuptial agreement, however, is rarely a…