The Best Ways to Communicate With Your Co-Parent

People without kids who get divorced tend to go their separate ways, and don’t ever have to see each other or communicate when it’s all over. But for those couples with children, getting divorced usually doesn’t mean the end of their interactions. Sharing custody means regular contact with your ex after the divorce is over, which can be stressful and frustrating. But it doesn’t have to be. Here are a few tips to make the process a little easier for everyone involved:

A man speaking into a can with a string coming out of it - symbolizing communication attempts between people

The top 3 tips to help you communicate with your ex about the kids:

  1. Make peace with the fact that you’re in this for the long haul

As long as at least one of your children is being cared for by you and your spouse, you’re going to have to talk to each other. Figuring out who the kids will spend holidays with, dealing with medical concerns, navigating vacation plans, and working through education-related issues are just some of the topics you and your ex are likely to end up addressing. So the sooner you accept the fact that your ex is still involved in your life, and communicating regularly with them is in the best interests of your kids, the better off you’ll be.

  1. Consider everything you say to (and about) your ex

Talking to your ex in a demeaning or angry way will only make your communications with them more strained and unpleasant. Trash talking them to your kids will make your children feel bad about themselves, and may have legal ramifications for you in the future – parental alienation is not something Michigan family court judges tolerate! You may dislike your ex, and have a lot of justifiable anger towards them, but being polite is still the best way. Your ex may be a jerk, however it’s still in your best interests (and in your kids best interests too) for you to make the effort to be cordial in all your exchanges. Remember – your children (and the court) are listening!

  1. Keep a record of every exchange between the two of you

There are many good reasons to keep track of the communications you exchange with your ex. For starters, it will help you stay organized and keep track of when your kids will be with you and when they’ll be with your ex. But equally important, it’ll provide you with a record you can use to protect yourself in case your ex ever decides to claim you regularly don’t pick the kids up on time, denied them a scheduled visitation, or refused to work with them regarding vacation times. Obviously, the best ways to keep a record of your communications is to use email, text, or one of the many available co-parenting apps on the market. If your ex leaves you voicemails, be sure to save them.

Co-parenting is hard. So if you need help, be sure to get the best!

Working out the best possible custody arrangement for your family is a process that requires significant know-how, expertise, and experience. Thankfully the family lawyers here at The Kronzek Firm have that in spades. With decades of experience handling every type of child custody arrangement imaginable in Michigan, our attorneys have limitless patience, fierce determination, and a lot of skill. Which is exactly what you need when tackling these issues. So call us at 866 766 5245 today. We’re here to help



