For divorcing parents, there are a lot of things that need to be figured out as they prepare to part ways. Issues like child support, child custody and visitation, and even sometimes relocation concerns need to be addressed. These are pretty common, and most parents know they’re going to have to spend some time working these out.
However there are a lot of other dilemmas that often go unnoticed until it’s too late. Things like which parent is going to cover uninsured medical expenses when they come up. Because as you can imagine, that stuff is very important.
Will it be you? Or your soon-to-be ex?
If your child has any medical needs that aren’t covered by insurance (and there seems to be a startling number of things that insurance doesn’t cover these days), someone is going to have to fork over the cash. So who will it be?
Who’s going to get stuck picking up those extra bills? (And they could be substantial, depending on the severity of your child’s condition.) The answer to that question can be found in Michigan law.
What does the law have to say about it?
The specific law that explains this issue is MCL 552.605. (go ahead and Google it if you’re curious). And what exactly does it say about who’s responsible for a child’s uninsured medical expenses after a divorce?
The Michigan Child Support Formula is used to figure out who is required to pay for the medical expenses of each child. Once it’s been determined what needs to be paid, the payments must be made by both parents, who will likely have a percentage they have to pay.
Do you have questions about how much you’ll have to pay?
Join us next time for a break down on how exactly this issue is addressed by the law. It can be a very confusing process, so we’d like to help by breaking it down for you. Knowing how much money you owe, and how much you’re going to have to pay can be complex subjects, and many parents find themselves overwhelmed and frustrated while trying to figure it out.
If this sounds like your situation, call The Kronzek Firm at 866 766 5245 and talk to one of our experienced family law attorneys. We can help you figure it out.