Hey there, thanks for coming back for the rest of this discussion on alimony in Michigan, and why you may have to pay it (even if you really don’t want to!). As we explained in the previous article, there are many situations where the family court here in Michigan would assign a divorcing couple alimony.
Whether it’s the fact that one spouse supported the other spouse through school, or one spouse cared for the children while the other one worked, there are many cases where one spouse doesn’t have the same earning power, but contributed just as much to the family in terms of value. But how does the court determine how much alimony each spouse should get?
In most cases divorcing couples figure it out without the court.
Most divorcing couples work with their attorneys to come up with an alimony agreement that is fair to both parties. It may not make both parties happy (the giver may not want to pay out as much, and the receiver may want more) but in order for the court to accept their agreement, it needs to be fair. The only time the court has to figure out your alimony for you, is if you and your spouse can’t come to an agreement about what works for both of you.
So how do you figure out exactly how much you have to pay? Or how much you should ask for? In truth, there isn’t a fixed formula for how much alimony has to be paid out after a divorce. Each case is unique. So the attorneys representing the spouses in their divorce will consider all of the many factors that affect their income, earning power, contributions to the family over the years, and any other factors that may influence the final outcome. From there, they work to reach an agreement that benefits everyone involved.
Alimony can be awarded in different ways, depending on your situation
Alimony, also called spousal support here in Michigan, is usually awarded in two different ways. Those are one lump sum payment, or a modifiable payment, which is paid over a period of time. There are various advantages and disadvantages to both types of spousal support awards, and Judges have a lot of discretion in deciding the amount of alimony, way in which it’s paid out, and the number of payments.
Not everyone gets what they want when it comes to alimony. If you were hoping to keep all your income for yourself and make your previously stay-at-home-spouse earn every penny they get, you’re probably going to be disappointed. In the same way, if you were hoping to “clean your spouse out” or “take them for everything they’ve got”, you’re in for a rude awakening. It’s extremely rare that the court will let you leave an ex high and dry!
Make sure you have a fierce divorce attorney on your team!
Figuring out what you owe, what you get to keep, what your children need, and how your assets and debts get divided is a major part of any divorce. And that’s why you need a skilled and experienced family law attorney on your side during this process. Someone with decades of practice and a long history of success. Someone who will work to protect your rights and ensure you don’t get taken advantage of.
Here at The Kronzek Firm we know how complex and emotionally challenging the divorce process can be. We’ve helped hundreds of people over the years through their divorces, and made sure that no matter how bitter the process may be, they don’t lose out on what’s rightfully theirs. So if you’re planning to get divorced, call 866 766 5245 today and makes sure your team is the best!