Getting divorced means starting life over in so many ways. But for those of you out there with school-aged kids, a divorce changes almost everything about your parenting experience. Suddenly you’re doing this on your own, yet – assuming you’re sharing custody in some way – communication with your ex is more vital than ever in order to keep everything running smoothly.
We get it – parenting after a divorce is tough. And with the new year just passed and kids back in school after the winter break, if you’ve recently gone through a divorce (or started the divorce process and are recently separated) you’ve had to find new routines and schedules for your kids. So we’ve like to give you a few simple pointers that might make the process a little smoother for you.
Tips to make the transition back into a school routine easier:
- Discuss the changes with your child’s teacher
Kids often struggle with their parent’s divorces, which can have a direct impact on their attitude in class and their school performance. Be sure to talk with your child’s teachers and school counselor about the fact that you were recently divorced or separated. Explain that your child may be having a hard time with the transition. You do not have to (and shouldn’t) share all the personal details, but it’s important to let them know what happened. That way, if your child has mood swings, seems anxious or depressed, or struggles with their school work, there’ll be compassion for their situation.
- Create schedules and stick to them
Kids need structure in order to feel safe and protected. Routine, order and consistency play a big role in helping kids learn and grow, so when their home-lives goes through a major shift, it can upend their sense of security. During this difficult time, it’s important to maintain a schedule wherever possible. Eating meals at the same time every night, having a fixed bedtime, and picking certain days to do weekly chores can help a lot in creating a sense of routine. Also, discuss this with your ex if possible, to ensure that they’re aware of the importance of keeping routines when the kids are with them.
- Make sure kids who need emotional support get it
Some kids have a really hard time with their parent’s divorce or separation. Some of them aren’t able to cope on their own, and talking to their parents about their fears and concerns might be too hard. If your child is struggling, don’t let them suffer in silence. Get them a therapist or counselor they can talk to. It may be hard at first, and they may even resist the idea, but in the end it can make a huge difference, both to their emotional health, and also to their overall success in school.
Make sure your Michigan divorce is handled by the best
We understand that parenting after a divorce is very difficult, and that children sometimes have a harder time than we anticipated. It does happen, and it’s tough. But it doesn’t have to be devastating. There are lots of ways that parents can help their children adjust after a divorce or separation, and even go on to be successful in school. It just takes a little planning and dedication.
That aside, if you have any questions about the divorce process or about custody, our skilled family law attorneys are available around the clock at 866 766 5245 to help you choose the best possible solution for your family. And don’t forget to join us next time for the last few tips we’d like to share – you won’t be disappointed.