Category: Divorce

  • New Post-Divorce Holiday Traditions For You and Your Family

    One of the greatest challenges that parents and families face after a divorce is reclaiming their holidays. Nothing feels the same, especially that first Christmas after the split, which can make the holidays seem strange, chaotic, and even a little sad. But all is not lost! Old traditions may be laid to rest, but there’s…

  • How to Survive Your First Christmas After a Divorce (Pt 3)

    Welcome back and thanks for joining us. We’ve been talking about the challenges that divorced and divorcing parents face when the holidays roll around. The traditions that don’t feel the same anymore, the stress of shouldering the burden alone, the custody and visitation issues. And that’s not even taking into account the finances and the…

  • How to Survive Your First Christmas After a Divorce (Pt 2)

    Welcome back and thanks for joining us. As we get closer to the holidays, we get more and more calls from parents considering divorce, who aren’t sure how the holidays will be impacted by the breakup of their families. We also talk with many clients who are in the midst of divorces and concerned about…

  • How Do I File My Divorce Papers in Michigan? (Pt 3)

      Welcome back and thanks for joining us for the wrap up on this discussion. We’ve been breaking down the somewhat tedious process involved in filing for divorce on your own, and this is the last part of the list. So if you’ve already had all the necessary discussions with your spouse, filled out all…

  • How Do I File My Divorce Papers in Michigan? (Pt 2)

      Welcome back and thanks for joining us here for this discussion about how to file for divorce in Michigan. In the previous article we discussed the first things you’ll need to do if you’re considering getting divorced in Michigan without help, starting with making sure you’re eligible, and then having some very important discussions…

  • How Do I File My Divorce Papers in Michigan? (Pt 1)

      So you’ve decide that you want to end your marriage. As a Michigan resident, you can make that choice and you don’t need to tell the court why you want a divorce, or prove that there are reasons behind your decision. However, if you want your divorce to go off without a hitch, you’re…

  • Everything You Need to Know About ‘Malicious Mother Syndrome’ (Pt 2)

      Welcome back and thanks for joining us again. We’ve been talking about ‘malicious mother syndrome’, or ‘malicious parent syndrome’ as it is now commonly called. As we pointed out in the previous article, this isn’t a mental or behavioral disorder, like narcissism, but rather a series of behaviors brought about by the extreme stress…

  • Everything You Need to Know About ‘Malicious Mother Syndrome’ (Pt 1)

      You may not have ever heard of this before (many people haven’t!) Or if you have, you may have heard of it referred to as ‘malicious parent syndrome’, which is actually the more commonly used term these days. But either way, whether it’s entirely new to you, or you had heard mention of it…

  • 4 Important Documents You Must Update When Getting Divorced (Part 2)

      Welcome back and thanks for joining us again as we look at the four of the most important documents you need to update when getting divorced in Michigan. As we discussed in our previous article, your will and your trust are two documents that you will have to take another look at when you…

  • 4 Important Documents You Must Update When You Get Divorced! (Part 1)

      Deciding to end your marriage may sound like a straightforward decision, but in reality, it isn’t. There are LOADS of things that you need to take care of when you get divorced. Some of them are more obvious – get a good attorney, figure out your custody arrangements, decide on how you’re going to…