Divorces are like parties. They can go according to plan, with a successful outcome, or they can be a complete disaster. So how do you ensure the one and avoid the other?
With a little planning and some leg work in advance, it’s possible to have the whole thing go off without too many mishaps. But there are lots of factors that can influence how it all comes together, and what the experience is like for the people involved. Things like how rotten your relationship with your spouse is at this point, and how much resentment there is built up between the two of you. So if you’d like to make sure that your divorce isn’t anything like that worst-party-ever that your family still talks about 20 years later, here are a few pointers.
- Party tip #1: Start planning early!
Just like planning a party, preparing for divorce is important. The more details you prepare for ahead of time, and the more prep work you do in advance, the easier and smoother the whole process is. Don’t postpone important decisions, or not take care of small things simply because you don’t feel like dealing with it. You’ll thank yourself later.
- Party tip #2: Create a budget and stick to it!
Just like with parties, there are costs involved in a divorce, so the best thing you can do is be smart with your money. Don’t use “retail therapy” to make yourself feel better on bad days, don’t run up huge bills in the hopes of being able to force your ex to pay them as a form of revenge, and make sure you start preparing financially for your new single life. Money choices can make or break a divorce, so choose wisely.
- Party tip #3: Make a checklist
When you go in for your first consultation with your divorce attorney, make a complete list of all the items they’re going to need. Make a list of everything you’ll need to do and the dates when those things will have to be done by. A successful party is well planned, and that applies to a divorce as well. Don’t make more stress for yourself by letting details slip through the cracks.
- Party tip #4: Simplify the guestlist
Too many people at a party can mean crowding, not enough seats and snacks, and a greater chance for arguments. A divorce is the same. Don’t invite the whole of social media into your divorce. Don’t make public posts about your ex, or about what you’re doing to recover from years of unhappiness. In fact, the less you share during the divorce process the better, as it could come back to bite you with regards to custody and visitation.
Join us next time for more pointers for a successful party divorce!
We’re only half way through the list of tips that will help make your divorce a much smoother process (or your party, if you need a few pointers for that?) And if you have any questions about the divorce process, or need help with any aspect of it, from alimony and asset division to child support and custody, call The Kronzek Firm at 866 766 5245. Our extremely skilled divorce attorneys are standing by to help.