Category: Divorce

  • Marriage And Mental Health: In Sickness And In Mental Health

      Welcome back to our discussion on mental health and how it affects marriage. In the previous article we talked about depression and how it often leads to divorce. Moving on, we will be looking at what spouses face when their partner is struggling with mental illness, and what factors to consider when debating a…

  • Marriage And Mental Health: Until Depression Do Us Part

      There is no clinical data that directly links depression to divorce. There are, however, countless mental health professionals who will tell you that depression, left untreated, can have a disastrous effect on a marriage, which often leads to divorce.   The consequences of untreated depression can be far reaching. While depression itself isn’t usually…

  • Marital Mythology: The Lies We Believe About Marriage (Part 1)

      We accept notions like “everything will be OK” and “you can have anything you want if you’re willing to fight for it” as being life mantras that convey truths. However, more often than not, they’re completely false. In the same way, we believe a host of myths about marriage. The sad truth is that…

  • Friends on Facebook: Why Your Ex Should Be On That List.

    Developing a friendship with an ex can be a rather difficult feat. You no longer have the ability to pick and choose what you reveal about yourself during the development of the friendship, and you have all sorts of emotional baggage and history that needs to be overcome in order for trust to be rebuilt.…

  • Nagging – Is It A Precursor To Divorce? (Part 2)

      Welcome back. In the previous article we talked about nagging and how it can erode the love and trust in a marriage, which can in turn lead to divorce. We introduced Howard J. Markman PhD, who has written on the subject of nagging, and discussed his assertion that nagging is the “enemy of love”…

  • DIY Divorces – Why They Don’t Always Cost Less (Part 2)

      In the previous article, we discussed the first two concerns that may come up in a DIY divorce, making it more costly in the long run. There can be issues that arise when a spouse has not fully disclosed all of their assets or debts, over spousal and child support problems, or when the…

  • DIY Divorces – Why They Don’t Always Cost Less (Part 1)

      It’s not uncommon for couples who are divorcing on good terms, to skip getting an attorney and get a DIY divorce instead. However, it’s worth considering that there are a number of easily preventable problems that can, and do, arise from divorces obtained without legal representation.   Having straightforward custody agreements when you enter…

  • Cell Phone Forensics in Divorce Cases: What You Need To Know

      Stop and think about your cell phone for a moment. The data, pictures, apps full of communication history. It contains a vast wealth of knowledge about you. Information about what you’ve purchased, pictures of people you were with, and places you’ve been. Even records of your lists, thought, notes, and conversations. Probably far more…

  • Divorce Coaching: What Is It, And Is It For You?

      Most people these days have heard of life coaching, which deals with unlocking personal potential. Another common one is career coaching, which focuses on finding the ideal new career for someone looking for a change in the workplace. Though there’s a much more recent addition to the coaching options available nowadays. Curious? It’s divorce…

  • The Emotional Stages Of Divorce

      The end of a marriage is a traumatic and emotionally turbulent time. This is often compounded by the fact that both partners are not always in the same place emotionally during the process. The initiator will often feel conflicting emotions, ranging from relief and sorrow to resentment and guilt. The receiver, on the other…