False Allegations – The Faces Behind The Lies (Part 3)

Some people’s personalities are naturally arrogant, cruel and hostile.


In the first installment in this series, we talked about the likelihood of people suffering from personality disorders to use lies and false allegations of abuse to get what they want during high conflict divorces and custody battles. In part two we looked at the first three of five personality disorders where this is more common. Moving forward, we would like to wrap up our overview of the last two disorders, and then talk about options available to people dealing with these issues during their divorces and custody disputes.


Dr. Edward Nunes, MD. has singled out five personality disorders as being the more likely culprits when it comes to the type of individuals who are more likely to tell lies and make false reports of abuse for personal gain. These disorders are Antisocial Personality Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, Histrionic Personality Disorder, Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and Paranoid Personality Disorder.


Before we continue, however, we would like to take a moment to remind our readers to please remember that not all people who use false allegations of abuse have personality disorders. In addition, not all people with mental disorders will make false allegations of abuse. This article is simply about the fact that several renowned mental health professionals have noticed a significantly higher percentage of claimants having a personality disorders in false allegation cases.


Narcissistic Personality Disorder:


According to Steve Bressert, Ph.D., in his article published in psychcentral.com, people with Narcissistic Personality Disorder are known to suffer from an almost overwhelming need to be admired by others. They also often feel that they are genuinely more important than other people. They are frequently disdainful of everyone else, and can be patronizing and even cruel in their belittlement of others.


Bressert says that narcissists tend toward delusions of grandeur, and harbor fantasies that they are of paramount importance in the lives of everyone else around them. They are self-important, entitled, arrogant, and often believe that others are envious of them. They also tend to lack empathy for others.


Paranoid Personality Disorder:


People with Paranoid Personality Disorder, according to Bressert, believe that almost everyone around them is driven by dubious and sometimes downright evil motivations. They tend to be deeply distrustful other people, and are highly suspicious of even the most ordinary behaviours in others. Bressert describes them as always being on high alert, and being very hostile in their dealings with others. He says they are often critical, aloof and controlling.


Because they are certain that others are intent on harming them, lying to them, or manipulating them, Bressert says that they view many normal interactions as potential threats. While it is considered normal for people to worry to some extent about particular situations, people with this disorder are extreme in their mistrust and skepticism of others, even if no evidence exists to support their fears.


Join us next time, when we will be talking about ways that you can protect yourself when dealing with a spouse you suspect may have a personality disorder. This can be an alarming situation to be in, because it often boils down to a “she said, he said” issue, where allegations can be difficult to disprove.
Until then, if you are involved in a contentious divorce or custody battle and your spouse has falsely accused you of child abuse, you must call us immediately at 517-886-1000. Allegations of child abuse are taken very seriously by CPS and the police, and could result in your family being torn apart long before you have the chance to prove that you are innocent.


