Tag: Michigan Family Law Attorney

  • Divorce and Bankruptcy: Navigating the Intersection

    Timing Matters: Filing Before, During, or After Divorce When assisting clients with divorce cases, we prioritize property settlement discussions right after issues concerning minor children need to be resolved. Among critical considerations is the timing of bankruptcy filings. Should it occur before, during, or after the divorce process? Our collaborative approach involves consulting with bankruptcy…

  • If I Earn More Than My Spouse, Do We Still Split Everything Equally in a Michigan Divorce?

    If I Earn More Than My Spouse, Do We Still Split Everything Equally in a Michigan Divorce?

    The Importance of Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements in Michigan Divorce Cases It is a common misunderstanding that if one spouse earns more, they should receive a larger share of the marital assets. This belief was more common in past decades, especially when men were predominantly the breadwinners of the household. However, as times have changed,…

  • The 3 Most Common Questions Our Lawyers Get Asked During The Initial Consultation

    Over the decades we’ve been practicing family law in and around the Lansing area, and helping the people with divorce and custody concerns in Lansing, Ingham County, Charlotte and Eaton County and St Johns and Clinton County, we’ve met with a lot of people. We’ve discussed a lot of scenarios, been told a lot of…

  • Can I Settle my Michigan Divorce Out of Court?

    If TV shows and movies were any indicator of real life, practically every divorce ever filed would be a long, drawn out affair, full of conflict and drama, and requiring a Judge to rule on practically every part of the process. Thank goodness that’s not the case here in Mid-Michigan! In fact, most people here in…

  • What a Great Divorce Lawyer Really Looks Like (Pt 2)

    Hi there and welcome back to this discussion about what a great divorce attorney really looks like, versus just a ‘good’ lawyer. Because as we pointed out in the first article, good is certainly better than ‘meh’ (and you absolutely don’t ever want a ‘meh’ attorney handling your divorce!). But there’s a big difference between…

  • Our Top 6 Tips For a Successful Michigan Divorce (Pt 1)

    Ending a marriage can be a major undertaking. There are a lot of moving parts in the average divorce – lots of things that need to be figured out, and lots of adjustments that need to be made. So like anything else in life, a few tweaks here and there can make a big difference…

  • The Top Misconceptions People Have About Working With Divorce Lawyers (1)

    One of the things that constantly surprises us when we meet with new clients, or even discuss progress on cases with existing clients, is the feedback we get about their expectations. Many people have mistaken ideas about what it will be like to work with a divorce lawyer, or unfounded expectations about how their lawyer…

  • Meeting your divorce lawyer for the first time? Here’s what you need to know. (Pt 1)

      If you’ve made the decision to end your marriage, and you’ve already hunted around to find a reputable divorce attorney you want to represent you during the process, then you’re ready to take that first step towards your new life, ie: meeting that divorce attorney for the first time.   However, we don’t have…

  • How A.I. is Changing The Way Hidden Assets Are Located in Divorces (Pt 1)

    Usually, when you hear about artificial intelligence, it’s because you just watched a good (hopefully) sci-fi movie. Or maybe you just read an alarmist article about how the future of the human race is uncertain, due to the development of new robotics technology. What you don’t usually think about is divorce. Why? Because A.I. and…

  • Does Getting a Divorce Mean You Have To Lose Your Home? Pt. 2

    Welcome back and thanks for joining us again. In our previous post we talked about the difficulty of assigning a value to your home, and who to talk to in order to have your home evaluated. But now that you’ve had it done, you’ve got a number and you know the value of your house,…