How do I Help my Kids Work Through my Divorce? (Pt 2)

a child's hand moving a chess piece on a board.
Kids learn through play, but certain games help teach them strategies for coping with divorce, which makes adjusting easier for them in the long run.

Welcome back and thanks for joining us again. We’ve been talking about the tools and strategies that divorcing parent have available to them, to help their kids cope with the whole process. Because let’s be real – it’s hard. It’s hard on parents and it’s hard on kids. Which is why you need all the help you can get. But don’t worry – there are loads of great ideas and items you can use to help your children navigate this challenging period in life.

Tools to put in your ‘divorcing parent’ tool box:

In the previous article we looked at the first list of tools to put in your divorcing parent toolbox – books. There are a ton of great books out there written specifically to help kids navigate their parent’s divorces, but books aren’t the only tool. There are games, activities, and even strategies available to you. So let’s check out a few more options…


There are a variety of great games available in stores and online that provide kids with resources and help them develop coping skills during difficult times. But we live in a digital world, so it makes sense that the options available include both online games and tabletop games. We’ll break down options in both groups, and then you can decide what you prefer for your kids.

Online Games:

  • Changeville is an internet based game created for children that helps during a divorce, by providing tools and information to reduce their anxiety during the divorce process.
  • Earthquake in Zipland is an online therapy game aimed at helping children cope with divorce by “providing them with a non-threatening platform for expressing their hidden feelings and asking questions.” Giving your children a healthy opportunity to process their confusion, loss and uncertainty will help them to work through what is happening without jeopardising their emotional and mental safety.

Board and Card Games:

  • My 2 Homes is a board game developed to help children understand and accept divorce through communication. By encouraging kids to open up and talk through their feelings in an non judgemental environment, you help them process what they’re experiencing without fear of rejection.
  • Nobody Asked Me! Is a board game aimed at helping children find their voices and express how they feel about what’s happening to their families. Divorce often makes children feel powerless, but this game can help them learn to express their thoughts and feelings in a meaningful way.
  • Splitsville is a board game designed to introduce children to the skills they’ll need to successfully navigate parental separation and divorce.
  • The Upside Down Divorce Game is a board game created to help children develop creative ways to solve the problems that come with divorce. This way they will be better equipped to handle conflicts and issues when they come up along the way.

This may be scary, but you’re not alone!

Divorce is hard, but you’re not the first parent to go through it, and your kids will survive. However, the more you work towards helping them come to terms with the changes in their life, and provide them with safe and healthy outlets for their feelings, the better they’ll be able to adjust to the changes. And remember, these coping skills will equip them for future upheaval in life (because no one’s life is perfect) and strengthen your relationship with them.

Join us next time for the wrap up of this list, when we’ll be looking at some strategies you can use to help your kids work through your divorce successfully. Until then, if you have any other questions, feel free to contact us at 866 766 5245. Our experienced family law attorneys have spent decades successfully representing our clients during this difficult time. We’re here to help mid-Michigan families as they work through the divorce process and move on to better futures.



