Welcome back, and thanks for joining us for this discussion on the midlife crisis, and whether or not it always leads to divorce. In the previous article, we talked about what the stereotypical midlife crisis looked like, and what mental health health professionals are saying about what really triggers one. (Transition, not crisis, remember?) Moving on, we’d like to share with out readers some interesting facts about midlife crises.
The “midlife crisis” affects people of both genders…
Dan Jones, PhD, director of the Counseling and Psychological Services Center at Appalachian State University, says that while everyone is familiar with the term “midlife crisis” and most people are familiar with what it represents, most people don’t realize that both men and women are likely to experience this transformative phase in their lives, just not in the same way.
“Men might gauge their worth by their job performance. They may want to look successful, for instance, even though their achievements don’t measure up the way they had hoped. But women often get validity through relationships, and that’s true even if they’ve had a lifelong career. So at midlife, they are likely to evaluate their performance as a wife, mother, or both.”
A midlife crisis can have a huge impact on your mental health!
But while it is not uncommon for this transitional phase to be accompanied by a period of severe depression, it can also be a time of enormous personal growth. People go back to school, change careers, start volunteering, or engage in new hobbies that they’ve always dreamed of pursuing, but perhaps felt that their former life didn’t allow.
So while it can be a frightening time, full of unexplained feelings of dissatisfaction, depression and sometimes even anger, it shouldn’t be looked at as an “all bad” thing. Rather, look at it as an opportunity to review your life, make some changes to areas that have left you craving more, and all in all, a chance to be a better you.
How you choose to view this transition can affect the outcome!
And finally, by choosing to view this transition as something positive, you greatly lessen the chances that it will negatively impact your marriage. So no, it doesn’t always, and doesn’t have to, end in divorce! The decision is entirely up to you and your spouse!
If you decide, however, that this is the end of the road for your marriage, and you need help preparing for the divorce process, or working out the details of custody and alimony agreements, call us now at 866 766 5245. Our skilled family law attorneys here at The Kronzek Firm have helped countless Michigan residents through their divorces. We can help you too.