Our Top 6 Tips For a Successful Michigan Divorce (Pt 2)

A tips list of lines and boxes for checking, written in black against a white background

Welcome back. We’ve been talking about ways to make the divorce process smoother (which anyone getting a divorce would be glad for) and sharing what we think are the top six tips for doing exactly that. We know that there are aspects of your divorce that you won’t have any control over (like your spouse’s behavior, and the way your kids respond to the process). But you can control your own responses, and that helps a lot!

In our previous article we talked about the first two things we think are super important if you want your divorce to be a success – planning ahead, and budgeting. But those aren’t the only things you should be doing if you want your divorce process to go off with as few hitches as possible. Here are another two tips to keep in mind…

Our top tips for a better divorce:

Three: Keep your kids’ best interests in mind 

This tip only applies if you have kids (So if you don’t have kids skip to the next one.) But if you’re a parent, then you already know that a major part of this divorce process involves your kids. Figuring out custody, parenting time, and child support are going to be a big deal. How you break the news to your kids, and finding ways to help them adjust to the changes are going to be critical to your success.

Remember that your kids didn’t have any say in this, and they’re likely to struggle with some of the changes. Be patient and kind while they work through their feelings, and never use them as a weapon to get back at your spouse. Children often have a hard time with divorce, so whatever you do, keep their emotional needs in mind as well as their physical needs.

Four:  Stay off social media as much as possible!

Of all the tips we could give you, this one cannot be stressed enough! This is why we’ve mentioned it many times before – the worst place for you to vent your opinions, or share personal details about your life during the divorce process is social media! Don’t invite the whole of social media into your divorce. Don’t make public posts about your ex, or about what you’re doing to recover from years of unhappiness. Don’t post photos from your “night out with the girls”, or funny memes about getting high. And don’t share fun snaps of your most recent date!

In fact, the less you share during the divorce process the better, as it could come back to bite you with regards to custody and visitation. So unless you have iron control when it comes to emotional oversharing, or hint-laden “vaguebooking”, we recommend you stay off social media altogether. It might not be as much fun without the distraction of Facebook on rough days, but you’ll thank us later when your spouse’s attorney can’t find any dirt to show the Judge and make you look bad!

If you want the best, we’re available 24/7 to help

If you’re looking to hire one of the most respected and widely successful family law firms in the mid-Michigan area, look no further. Here at The Kronzek Firm our skilled and experienced family law attorneys have spent decades helping the people of Michigan with every aspect of their divorces. From alimony and asset division, to child support and custody, we do it all. 

So if you need help with planning or preparing for your divorce, or you have questions about the process and need help, call us at 866 766 5245. We’re available 24/7, including nights and weekends, to help you. 



