How To Protect Yourself Against False Allegations of Abuse! (Part 3)

There are ways you can protect yourself against false allegations of abuse and neglect.


Thank you for joining us to discuss this particularly difficult topic. We know it’s a hard subject to address, but we can only assume that if you are here, reading this, it is because you or someone you care about has been falsely accused of abusing or neglecting a child, and needs help. If so, know that we are here for you, and we can help. You are not alone, and we have decades of experience fighting false allegations with successful outcomes.


In parts one and two we talked about the importance of getting a good attorney, taking the charges seriously, and not talking to CPS workers and police. Divorce is very hard. Divorce with an added side of lies and false allegations is even harder. Now, having discussed the first three items on the list of critical things to remember, let’s move on to the next things that you absolutely must keep in mind at this time.



  • Don’t Discuss Your Case With Loved Ones!



As if keeping quiet when a police officer or social worker asks questions isn’t hard enough, this one is even harder. We get it. This advice seems counter-intuitive. After all, these people care about you and want to help. Your mom, your sister, your best friend – they love you and wouldn’t say a word against you. Surely you can tell them your side of the story? Surely the people who care about you more than anyone else are safe to discuss the case with, right? Nope, wrong again!


Authorities aside, you still must not say anything to ANYONE that pertains in any way to the false allegations against you. The people who are “on your side” can still be compelled to testify against you in court by the prosecutor. What you say can, and probably will, be used against you in some way that you cannot foresee. It seems unbelievable, but you have to trust us on this one – it happens far more often than you realize and the results can be disastrous!


So no matter how tempted you may be to ‘set the record straight’ with friends or coworkers, or to let people know your side of the story so that they don’t think poorly of you, don’t! We cannot stress this enough. Don’t talk to anyone unless your attorney advises that you do. So many people have tried to help their own cases by explaining why they’re really innocent. In the process, however, they made some unwitting comment that the prosecutor later twisted around and used to get them convicted. So no matter how much they ask, you MUST refuse to discuss your case with anyone.



  • Armed And Ready? Good. Now It’s Time To Fight!



This is going to be one of the worst experiences of your life. You are heartbroken and devastated and probably very angry. You have a right to be. But allowing the stress and anxiety surrounding this situation to paralyze you will not help you. Choosing to bury your head in the sand to escape this terrible situation won’t do you any good. You need to be proactive.


The more you do to remain engaged, to fight this battle in the name of your own future and freedom, the better off you’ll be. Educate yourself as to what your rights are, and what the criminal law in Michigan says about the accusations you are facing. Talk to your attorney. Ask if there is anything that you could be doing to help them prepare your defense. After all, this is a team effort. The more you know about what you are up against, the better prepared you can be.


Some attorneys recommend that you start a journal in order to document all of the details you can, about your case. We disagree. Brandy Thompson, a partner here at the Kronzek Firm says “Journaling isn’t a good idea. A journal can be used as evidence against you later on. Instead, provide as much information directly to your attorney as possible.” This could include lists of possible witnesses who may be able to speak on your behalf at trial, or detailed descriptions about interactions and conversations you engaged in.


Don’t hold back. You never know when a small detail can have a huge impact on the outcome of a case. The more information you are able to provide your attorney, the less time they will spend investigating on your behalf, which will save both time and money in the long run.


Remember, no matter how bad it may seem now, it is entirely possible that you will walk away from this completely vindicated. But to get from here to there, you have a battle to fight first. So if you or a loved one have been falsely accused of child abuse or neglect, contact us immediately. There is no time to waste. The sooner we can get started building a comprehensive defense on your behalf, the better your chances will be. Call our offices at 517-886-1000. Someone is available 24/7 to discuss your case with you.


