Welcome back and thanks for joining us for this discussion about how separation from their parents causes severe trauma for children. As we mentioned in the previous article, Harvard researchers have proven through numerous studies that toxic stress has detrimental effects on children’s mental and physical wellbeing. But that’s not all. They’ve also proved that separation of children from their parents, whether short or long term, is a major contributor to toxic stress.
Cutting edge research proves that removing kids from their parents is toxic!
One Harvard study explains it this way: “In a situation where children are separated from their parents for a long period of time, they remain on high alert, and their bodies endure prolonged and severe toxic stress as a result!” The Mayo Clinic has also done extensive research on the effects of toxic stress on children. Their studies into Reactive Attachment Disorder explain it this way: “When a child is primed to experience fear and anxiety, those emotions can superimpose themselves onto how the child interacts with another person, even if that person wants to nurture and love the child.”
The problem with toxic stress is: you can’t “see” it!
The American Academy of Pediatrics says that toxic stress is more subtle than a broken bone or distended stomach, but it can leave permanent marks on a child’s brain, “creating a weak foundation for later learning, behavior, and health.” While you could take your child to the doctor to have a broken bone x-rayed, or an MRI done on a potential head injury, you can’t “see” toxic stress. Damage done by stress hormones to the brain and body is invisible, until it manifests in other ways, through behavioral, cognitive, and psychological problems.
The effects of toxic stress can last a lifetime!
A study published in the journal Pediatrics explored how toxic stress experienced early in childhood can manifest throughout a child’s life in extremely harmful ways. For example, after a long period of sustained toxic stress, a child who had previously been inconsolable might become “quiet, dull or withdrawn.” But that’s not because they’ve adjusted to the stress – it’s simply because their cortisol levels are now so depressed that their stress levels are dulled and they’re incapable of responding appropriately to stress.
Children suffer when they’re taken from their parents
One of the many side effects of divorce is that children lose the sustained and continual contact they previously had with both parents. This is even more of an issue when one parent gets full custody and the other gets minimal visitation. Michigan family courts are getting much better about recognizing the importance of children maintaining relationships with both parents. However it can still be a battle! So get the help you need by calling The Kronzek Firm at 866 766 5245. Our experienced family law attorneys are standing by 24/7 to help.