Tag: Narcissism

  • Divorcing a Narcissist is a Neverending Nightmare!

    If you follow the blog here on our mid-Michigan divorce website, then you’ve probably read several articles already on narcissism, and how incredibly destructive it is to both a marriage, and the divorce process. But what many people don’t realize is that just because you’re planning to divorce your narcissistic spouse, doesn’t mean there’s light…

  • The Top 10 Signs Your Narcissistic Spouse is Gaslighting You! (Pt 2)

    Welcome back and thanks for joining us again for this continuing discussion about gaslighting. We’ve been talking about how to tell if your narcissistic spouse is using this particular kind of emotional abuse to control and manipulate you. It’s what narcissists do. In the previous article we looked at the first five signs of gaslighting,…

  • The Realities of Divorcing a Narcissist: Meanness and Petty Cruelties

    We’ve spent a lot of time over the last few years analyzing, lamenting about and discussing the complex subject of divorce and narcissism. Why? Because it’s a major issue that a frightening number of spouses have had to deal with personally during their marriages and divorces in recent years. In representing people from all over…

  • Why Can’t Anyone Else See That my Spouse is an Abusive Narcissist?

    There’s hardly a single person we meet, who’s married to a narcissist, that doesn’t end up asking this question at some point or another. After all, it’s hard not to wonder why you seem to be the only person who can see the truth about your abusive marriage. But that’s the point – narcissists are…

  • Red Flags of Narcissistic Parenting: What to Watch For in a Divorce (Pt 2)

    Welcome back and thanks for joining us again for this discussion on divorcing a narcissistic parent. There are tell-tale red flags of narcissistic parenting you need to watch for during a divorce. In the previous article we talked a little about what narcissism looks like, and shared the first four signs that your spouse is…

  • Red Flags of Narcissistic Parenting: What to Watch For in a Divorce. (Pt 1)

    Although narcissists suffer from a hugely inflated sense of their own worth, and the belief that they’re superior to others around them, they actually have very fragile egos. They need constant validation from outside sources. So a divorce, which can be seen as a type of failure, is often taken very personally offensive, as in…