Hi there and welcome back. If you recall from the previous post, we’ve been talking about the risk factors that increase a person’s chances of getting divorced, and how they might play a role in derailing your plans for a happily ever after. So far we’ve looked at a couple of really common ones – namely young age and a family history of divorce, but there are quite a few more that could affect your marriage in the near future.
Risk Factors:
Premarital childbearing increases the chance of divorce:
Believe it or not, studies show that having a child before you get married increases your risk of divorce. One of the primary reasons for this, says marital experts, is because people who choose to get married (ie: “do the right thing”) because they got pregnant, are basing their marriage relationship entirely on the child.
However, a relationship needs more than that to succeed. Raising children is extremely stressful, and many marriages don’t survive the first few years of child-rearing. So basing your relationship solely on the fact that you’re now “stuck together” because of an unplanned pregnancy means that it’s almost guaranteed to fail.
Low income is a divorce risk:
When you think about it, money (and the lack of money) are one of the most common reasons for divorce in the first place – we can certainly attest to that! People fight about not having enough money, or their partner not earning enough money, or perhaps spending too much money, on a very regular basis. So it makes sense that low-income families would be at a greater risk for divorce.
Studies show that women who come into marriages with their own, independent supply of money are at a lower risk of divorce. Another factor that affects the divorce rate of low-income families is children – the more children you have when you’re struggling financially, the more likely you are to get divorced. Experts say this is because children can increase the stress levels in a home that is already struggling with not enough cash.
Limited education makes divorce more likely:
Another factor that can affect your rate of divorce is a limited education. This may be because lack of education directly affects your job prospects, which in turn limits your income potential. And as we just established, your income (or lack of an income) has a direct impact on your risk of divorce. But that might not always be the case!
Traditionally, being ‘educated’ means having a college degree, but with the direct our current job market is taking, people working in trades are making more money and being educated in a skill now means much more than it used to. In fact, with the growing number of people struggling to find careers in their chosen fields, and being stuck with decades of debt because of their college degrees, this factor may have less of an impact of divorce rates in the future!
Are you considering divorce and aren’t sure what to do next?
Come and talk to us. Here at The Kronzek Firm, our experienced and helpful family lawyers have spent decades working with the people of Michigan to ensure that they get the best possible outcome in their divorces. If you have questions, aren’t sure what to do next, or are just curious about the process and how it would affect you, call 866 766 5245. We’re available 24/7 to help you out.