Category: Divorce

  • ‘Brangelina’ Are Officially ‘Brad’ And ‘Angelina’ Again!

    One of Hollywood’s most beloved power couples are officially single again. After a long and turbulent marriage, and a very messy divorce process (which isn’t over yet!) Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have finally legally parted ways. Curious about how they can be officially single while still not officially divorced? It’s a little thing called…

  • How Long You’ve Lived in Michigan Could Affect Your Divorce Plans!

    There are many factors that could affect your divorce. Things like whether or not you have kids, to what your prenup says about how your assets get divided are all going to come into play. From alimony and child support, to which lawyer you hire to represent you, there are all kinds of things that…

  • Michigan’s Required “Cooling Off” Period Will Affect Your Divorce Timeline

    You’re a go-getter. Once you set your mind to something, you achieve it, come hell or high water. Nothing can stop you. We get it – we tend to be a lot like that as attorneys. We’re very driven, and very goal oriented, so we understand clients who are the same way. However, filing for…

  • The 6 Biggest Divorce Myths in Michigan (Pt 2)

    Hey there, welcome back! We’ve been talking about some of the biggest myth people believe here in Michigan – about divorce, that is. Obviously we’re not talking about Big Foot or Swamp Thing or Kennedy’s alleged ‘jelly donut’ moment in Berlin, we’re talking about urban legends that people believe about divorce. Specifically here in Michigan,…

  • The 6 Biggest Divorce Myths in Michigan (Pt 1)

    There are a lot of urban myths floating around out there. From the yeti to the “faked” moon landing, there are many strange things that people are willing to believe these days. (Have you heard the one about Courtney Love being the supposed granddaughter of Marlon Brando?). There are all kinds of goofy urban legends…

  • Are You Really Ready For a Divorce? (Or Are You Just Mad Right Now?) (pt 2)

    Welcome back, we’re glad you could join us again for this discussion on how to tell if you’re ready for divorce or not. As we mentioned in the previous article, there are a few very clear signs to look out for when you’re really ready to call it quits. And if you’re there, then there…

  • Are You Really Ready For a Divorce? (Or Are You Just Mad Right Now?) (pt 1)

    Have you ever had a big fight with your spouse and thought, “This is it! I can’t deal with this crap anymore! I quit!” And then later, when you’ve both had time to cool down and apologize, you realize you actually love them very much and you’re glad you didn’t make any rash decisions in…

  • Should I File for Divorce First, or Wait And Let my Spouse do it? (Pt 2)

    Welcome back. In our previous article we introduced the subject of whether it’s better to file for divorce first, or let your spouse file before you. Many people believe they should get a jump on their spouses by filing first, and last time we discussed some of the reasons why people believe that. In this…

  • Should I File for Divorce First, or Wait And Let my Spouse do it? (Pt 1)

    Many people, when they’re considering divorce, feel that they need to rush into the decision in order to get a jump on their spouse. “I wouldn’t want them to file first!” they think. But ask yourself, why do they think that? What reason would someone have for wanting to be the first one to file…

  • How to Break The News to Your Kids About The Divorce (Pt 2)

    Hey there. Welcome back and thanks for joining us again. We’ve been talking about how to break the news to your kids once you’ve decided to get divorced, and how challenging this conversation can be for parents. If your children are extremely young it’s unlikely they’ll remember life before the transition, and if they’re already…