Welcome back and thanks for sticking with us for this series on PPOs in Michigan, and what getting a restraining order looks like for you. So far in the previous articles we’ve discussed how to get a restraining order, what info will be included on your order, and what situations would warrant getting one in the first place. In this final article we’re going to discuss how a PPO can keep you safe, and what happens when someone violates it.
Not all restraining orders are exactly the same.
Your Personal Protection Order will be tailored to your situation, and based on your unique case. There are many different things that could be included in a restraining order by a Judge. Here are some of the most common ones:
The person being restrained might be prohibited from:
- Entering your home or other places, like your job
- Assaulting, attacking, beating, molesting, injuring or harming you or another person who is specifically named in the PPO
- Making verbal or written threats to kill, or physically injure you or another named person
- Taking your children from you, if you have legal custody of them
- Buying owning or possessing a gun
- Interfering with you when you’re removing your children or personal property from a home the abuser owns or leases
- Interfering with you at your job or school, or doing anything that harms your job, or jeopardises your school relationships or environment
- Having access to your home address, work address, or telephone number in records that concern a child of both of you
- Stalking you, which includes following you or watching you from a distance
- Intentionally causing you mental distress or controlling you by harming or threatening to harm a pet you own, taking your pet from you, or keeping it from you
- Any other specific acts or behaviors that interfere with your personal freedom, or makes you reasonably afraid of something violent happening to you.
What happens when your abuser violates your PPO?
If your abuser violates the restraining order in any way, by calling you when they’re not allowed to, or showing up at your house when the restraining order clearly says they can’t, you MUST call the police. If you try to explain to them why they need to leave, or threaten to call the cops but don’t follow through, you are telling your abuser that they don’t have to follow the law, and there will be no consequences. It is very important, for your safety, that you call the cops the moment your abuser violates ANY aspect of the restraining order!
You and your family deserve to feel safe! Get the right help now.
We hope this basic breakdown of the PPO process, and what you can expect when getting a restraining order has been helpful to you. If you have any other questions or concerns, or would like legal assistance in filing a Personal Protection Order against someone who you believe is a danger to you, please contact us immediately at 866 766 5245. Our experienced and skilled family law attorneys can help you.