Nothing is worse than watching a tear-jerker romance movie shortly after your divorce. As if you need that noise! Divorce is hard. Having other people’s fictional love stories crammed down your throat while you’re in recovery is even harder. But TV is loaded with romance stories. Every channel is a minefield. You can hardly surf for five minutes without landing on someone’s ooey-gooey precious moment. So what can you watch? Is there anything that won’t mess with your emotions? Yes indeed! We know where all the safe zones are. Just follow us….
This one’s a classic! Featuring Diane Keaton, Goldie Hawn, Sarah Jessica Parker, and Bette Midler, this hilarious film follows the lives of three college friends who reunite after the fourth member of their group commits suicide. They discover she was abandoned by her husband. So they team up to get back at the men that discarded them for younger girlfriends, and raise hope for “first wives” everywhere.
This story is mind-blowing. If you haven’t already read the book or watched the movie, then we don’t want to ruin it for you with spoilers. But we can tell you that it captures a beautiful and heart-wrenching story of one mother’s love for her son amidst extraordinary circumstances, and the lengths she will go to, to give him the best life she can.
This inspiring story of a divorced mother of two, will have you cheering her on and maybe even dusting off your childhood dreams of greatness. Joy, played by Jennifer Lawrence, reveals that no matter what life throws at you, no matter how disappointing and difficult your situation, you should never give up on your dreams!
This wild action-adventure film stars Charlize Theron and Tom Hardy team up as an unlikely duo while Theron’s character tries to overthrow a tyrannical dictator in their post-apocalyptic world. There is no romance here. Only grit, adrenaline, and fantastic stunts. So if you need a strong main character without any smooch scenes, this is your movie!
Awesome “kids” movies
Whether it’s Moana, Brave, Inside out, or Home, there are a ton of great family movies to choose from these days! Movies that focus on the importance of family, parent-child relationships, being true to yourself, and celebrating who you are. Because Disney and Dreamworks are finally figuring out that there’s so much more to life than marrying a prince and living happily ever after. Seriously.
There are probably loads of other great movies out there, but this list should get you started. Getting divorced is hard. Constructing a new life from scratch can be hard. So taking a little me-time once in a while to have a good laugh, or just get outside your own head for a moment, is a good thing. So invite a good friend over, make some buttery popcorn, and kick back with a few great movies. Life is full of lemons. Sometimes you need to take a load off and raise a glass of lemonade (or limoncello) to the future!