Tag: Life After Divorce

  • Navigating Family Dispute Resolution in Michigan: Your Comprehensive Guide

    Introduction Family disputes can be emotionally draining, impacting not only the individuals involved but also their children and extended family members. As divorce lawyers practicing in Mid Michigan, our team has witnessed firsthand the complexities of family law cases of almost every kind during the past several decades. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore Michigan-specific…

  • Divorce and Bankruptcy: Navigating the Intersection

    Timing Matters: Filing Before, During, or After Divorce When assisting clients with divorce cases, we prioritize property settlement discussions right after issues concerning minor children need to be resolved. Among critical considerations is the timing of bankruptcy filings. Should it occur before, during, or after the divorce process? Our collaborative approach involves consulting with bankruptcy…

  • Can You Develop PTSD From Getting Divorced?Some Experts Say Yes You Can!

    When most people think of PTSD sufferers, they think of soldiers returning from a war zone, rape victims, and other assault survivors. Perhaps even victims of highly traumatic encounters, like school shootings or terrorist attacks. While all of those examples are entirely valid, the truth is that you don’t have to survive something on par…

  • How Soon After a Divorce Can I Start Dating Again if I Have Kids? (Pt 2)

    Welcome back and thanks for joining us for this conversation on dating after divorce. We’re hoping to provide some insight based on our experiences working with countless Michigan parents over the years, as they navigate their divorces, and also the wisdom of mental health experts we’ve talked to. As we mentioned in the previous article,…

  • How Soon After a Divorce Can I Start Dating Again if I Have Kids? (Pt 1)

    People tend to have strong views on how long it’s “proper” to wait after a divorce before starting a new relationship or even entering the dating game. And when you have kids, that can get even more complicated. The truth is, there is no hard and fast answer for when it’s acceptable to get your…

  • Tips For Surviving Your First Christmas After The Divorce. (Pt 2)

    Welcome back and thanks for joining us. The subject of divorce and how it affects the holidays can be a painful one, especially for people who’ve recently become single, and those who will be spending the holidays without their kids for the first time. It can be really hard, and we understand that. But we…

  • Tips For Surviving Your First Christmas After The Divorce. (Pt 1)

    Divorce changes everything, including the holidays. For some people, those changes are a welcome breath of fresh air. But for others, it means the end of family, and the death of special holiday traditions that held so much meaning. If you fall into the latter camp, then you’re probably not looking forward to the holidays…

  • Attending a Loved Ones’ Wedding During Your Own Divorce.

    You know the saying: Life goes on. Which is so true, but often so hard to internalize during times of great change and upheaval. We all know the world doesn’t actually come to a screeching halt during your divorce, it just feels like it. So what do you do when your marriage is falling apart…

  • Why You Should Make New Friends After Your Divorce. (Pt 2)

    Welcome back – we’ve been talking about the importance of making new friendships after your divorce. As we mentioned in the previous article, you’re going to lose a few friends during your divorce process, so you’ll be in need of a few new friendships anyway. But there are loads of other great reasons for why…

  • Why You Should Make New Friends After Your Divorce. (Pt 1)

    Divorce is a classic example of shedding the old life to start a new one. For many people, the process is painful and frightening and emotionally exhausting (which is entirely understandable) but provides new opportunities for growth and change. Many people look forward, beyond their divorce processes, imagining themselves free of an old life that…