Using an Online Document Company for Your Divorce?

Online divorce paperwork is one-size-fits-all, while most divorces aren’t!


You can get everything online these days. Your clothes, your groceries, your TV shows, and your kid’s shoes are all available online. You can download books, stream movies, and even order takeout from your favorite restaurant! In fact, there’s hardly anything you can’t get online nowadays, including a divorce. But should you really use an online document company for your divorce?


There are many online companies offering downloadable legal documents to help people represent themselves in a divorce. is the industry’s largest player, and is a serious contender. Many people use them, and many people swear by the “quick and cheap” approach they facilitate. But while fast-and-affordable are perfect for drive-through burgers and streaming the latest episode of your favorite show on, divorce is an entirely different kettle of fish.


One-size-fits-all almost never fits everyone!


The first thing you need to keep in mind when dealing with online divorce documents, is that they are “canned”. In other words, they are basic, and made to cover the simplest of divorce scenarios. They don’t account for your unique situation, or allow for specialized needs. You get what you get. And for people with kids, significant assets, loads of debt, or even contentious fighting, this could spell disaster!


Every state is different, which means Michigan too.


The second thing you need to remember if you’re thinking about using a downloadable divorce document, is that they’re not tailored for your state. Wherever you live, the laws governing divorce will differ slightly from other places (in some cases, it will differ a lot!) But Michigan law is very specific about how paperwork should be filed, how assets must be divided, and what determines child custody.


Incorrect documents may be rejected by the court!


Another issue you may run into is the fact that your downloaded documents, if they’re incorrect or outdated, may be rejected. Online divorce paperwork isn’t created with your unique state variances in mind (or updated every time the law changes in your state!). So there’s a good chance that these documents aren’t in compliance with Michigan divorce law.


Only a skilled divorce lawyer can work with your particular needs.


Any family lawyer worth their salt will tell you – there’s much more to a divorce than just the initial filing! Many divorces involve arguing motions in court, or using some type of facilitated mediation. People who use online document companies won’t have legal representation at these very important events. Which is a pretty terrible idea! Because going to court, or a mediation meeting, without an attorney is short sighted, and can leave you short changed! (This is particularly true if your spouse has a divorce lawyer!)


Simply put, online document services are no substitute for a real live lawyer. Buying a form online, which was prepared by a total stranger who knows nothing about your situation, is like gambling with your future. And when you’re talking about things like spousal support, child support, visitation, and asset division, these things can play a major role in how your future plays out.


If, however, you want your divorce handled by a skilled family law attorney with decades of experience and a commitment to your future that rivals your own, call The Kronzek Firm at 866 766 5245. We are here to help you. So make the right choice and come talk to us about your divorce. We do free consultations, and are available 24/7 to help you handle life’s problems as they happen.



