Why You Need a Good Support Network in Place When You Get Divorced

Having people who’ve got your back makes all the difference!


Whether you’re starting a new business, embarking on a new career, or becoming a new parent, having a support system in place is crucial for your success. Having a support network is important for just about any important endeavor in life. Why? Because people need other people to help them through the dark and difficult times. And divorce is no different. So if you’re considering ending your marriage, you’re going to need good friends and family that have your back.


Divorce is stressful, so have a supportive loved ones around.


Dealing with your ex is probably going to be stressful. Most divorcing couples have years of resentment, and heartbreak to wade through every time they have a conversation with each other (even if the topic has nothing to do with them personally!) So trying to come to terms with your ex on things like asset division, parenting issues and custody agreements is probably going to come with a number of challenges.


Because mental health professionals recommend that you don’t express your frustrations with your ex to your children, you’re going to need someone to talk to. Someone who will listen, empathise with your pain, and comfort you. Someone who can give you sound advice, and be there for you when you’re angry enough to throw things, or sad enough to cry.


If you are supported, your children benefit too!


It may sound like a supportive group of loved ones is only benefiting you, the truth is, everyone wins in this case. A good support network does double duty, so to speak. By being there for you, they provide you with a healthy way to vent your frustrations so they don’t spill over onto your children. This means your children don’t suffer the effects of your grief and anger when your ex does something that infuriates you.


In addition, by giving you a safe space where you can get things off your chest, a good support network helps you keep unnecessary confrontations with your ex to a minimum. Yelling at your ex may feel good in the moment, but it only makes the tension between you even worse. This directly impacts the co-parenting relationship you share with your ex, which in turn impacts how well you’re able to deal with issues as they come up (and they will come up!)


A good support network also gives you help when you need it.


Is your ex behind on child support payments and you’re struggling to put food on the table? A network of good friends and loved ones may be able to step in the gap with some financial help until you get your situation handled. Need some babysitting help while you go job hunting? A good friend or family member may be able to watch your kids for you so that you can find a good job and secure some financial independence for your future.


So be sure to surround yourself with supportive friends and loving family members when you’re going through a divorce. Join a support group, plan a weekly coffee date with a group of close friends, or find an online forum for others in a similar situation. There are loads of moms groups, and even dads groups in the mid-Michigan area, who make it a point to welcome new members and help one another. Having someone to talk to when you are struggling, will make all the difference.


You’ll also need a good divorce attorney!


A support network is crucial, but so is a good divorce attorney! If you’re going through a divorce, it’s extremely important that you find a great divorce attorney to advocate on your behalf. They will protect your interests, be a reliable and trusted adviser, and fight to ensure that you and your family are properly provisioned for in the future. So if you’re getting divorced, and want help from a highly reputable divorce attorney, call The Kronzek Firm at 866 766 5245 today and discuss your situation with one of our experienced divorce attorneys.



