Tag: Life After Divorce

  • New Post-Divorce Holiday Traditions For You and Your Family

    One of the greatest challenges that parents and families face after a divorce is reclaiming their holidays. Nothing feels the same, especially that first Christmas after the split, which can make the holidays seem strange, chaotic, and even a little sad. But all is not lost! Old traditions may be laid to rest, but there’s…

  • Will I Have to Pay my Spouse’s Credit Card Debt When I Get Divorced?

      You wouldn’t believe how often this one comes up in our offices! And it’s hard to blame people for being frustrated about it. After all, being married to someone who’s spent the last few years (or decades!) nickel-and-diming you to death can be very stressful. And it certainly doesn’t seem fair to ask one…

  • The Top Four Money Tips When Preparing For Divorce (Pt 2)

      Welcome back! We’re discussing the issue of money in divorce, which you will probably agree is a big deal. However, money doesn’t just play a role in causing divorce, it also tends to complicate the divorce process itself. Why? Because assets and debts need to be divided when a couple ends their marriage, and…

  • The Top Four Money Tips When Preparing For Divorce (Pt 1)

      Money is often one of the major causes of divorce, but once a couple has started the divorce process, money remains a significant issue. This is partly because the divorce process itself is expensive, and partly because a couple’s money and assets have to be divided during the divorce process. So however you choose…

  • Your Divorce Is Finally Over! So What Do You Do Now?

      That’s the million dollar question, and we get asked it all the time. “So now what? What’s next?” And the answer is – that’s up to you. What you choose to do now depends on a lot of factors, but if you’re really at a loss and need some help figuring out which steps…

  • What If We Can’t Afford To Live Apart After The Divorce? (Pt 3)

      Welcome back and thanks for joining us again for the wrap up on this discussion about living together after divorce. As we’ve pointed out, very few divorced couples choose to live together after they get divorced, it’s usually financial situations that force them to keep on living together, even after their marriages have ended.…

  • What If We Can’t Afford To Live Apart After The Divorce? (Pt 2)

      Welcome back and thanks for joining us again for this discussion on living with your ex after the divorce. Not because you want to, of course, but because you don’t have any choice – the finances simply don’t allow the two of you to part ways just yet. However, challenging as this time in…

  • What If We Can’t Afford To Live Apart After The Divorce? (Pt 1)

      When you think about divorce, you tend to think of two people who end their marriage and go their separate ways. Why? Because that’s the goal, and it’s usually how it works out. However, not everyone is in a position where they can pick up and start life over independently. Some couples are in…

  • How Much Alimony am I Going to Have to Pay After my Divorce (Part 2)

      Welcome back and thanks for joining us again for this look at alimony in Michigan, and what you can expect after you get divorced. As we pointed out in the previous article, Michigan doesn’t have a nice, neat equation for figuring out spousal support the way they do for child support. Which means that…

  • How Much Alimony am I Going to Have to Pay After my Divorce (Part 1)

      Alimony can be a touchy subject for divorcing couples. Knowing you’re going to fork over cash to support your ex after they leave you can be galling. On the flip side, knowing that your ex is making off with the majority of the earning power but is still fighting about having to help you…